Project Name Four
Client Name Four
A visual identity system inspired by the one and only, actress, singer, model zendaya characteristics, acting style, and the personality she stands for. Branding includes a magazine for an imaginary event at Times Square, poster and an app inspired from the actress.
The aim of this project was to use all the learnings we experienced through the course Type intensive in four weeks. 24 page publication design aimed to develop a personal point of view regarding typeface pairing, hierarchy, grids and overall editorial design.

An identity system based on Ayyanar, a village protector. He helps people protect themselves against malicious spirits and adverse situations and keeps them safe from the rigours. During the night, he rides his horse throughout the village to look out for evil. As the sun rises, they return to the temple, serving as village guardians. In honor of Lord Ayyanar, Ayyanar Kavalargal protects the people in the same way as Ayyanar. Being fearless, courageous and searching for the truth, as well as considering the village's betterment.
This project was to create a identity system for an imaginary mythical society. Poster design and booklet created considering how this committee operated during COVID to protect the village by educating them on the topic. Visuallanguage is inspired by villages of Tamil Nadu and design trends followed by locals.
Sandra Maxa, Hayelin Choi
Maryland Institute College of arts
Project Name Four
Client Name Four

Project Name Four
Client Name Four